Royal LePage Nanaimo Realty
Your Ladysmith REALTOR®
528 First Avenue, Box 2338
Ladysmith, British Columbia
Tel: (250) 245-2252
Fax: (250) 245-5617
Toll-free (877) 604-8544
Please contact me if you have any questions about content or listings on this site. I would appreciate the opportunity to introduce myself and provide additional information from our MLS System® that you may be interested in receiving. Please consider me to be your Ladysmith Realtor®.
Cyndi Beaulieu, Ladysmith REALTOR®
Cyndi Beaulieu is a licensed Ladysmith REALTOR® and a member of the Canadian Real Estate Association and is entitled to all the privideges and benefits associated with membership. Not all real estate agents are REALTORS® and only REALTORS® are entitled to list properties on the MLS® and use the REALTOR® logo and title on their marketing materials.
A REALTOR® is required to participate in regular training and educational updates so they can offer the best, professional advice and insight to their clients. A REALTOR® is duty-bound by law to provide “fiduciary duty”, which means handling all transactions with the same care that they would use to manage their own transactions. Fiduciary duty extends to transaction privacy and confidentiality, due diligence in researching issues with a sale or purchase, not taking a ‘secret profit’ on side commissions or referrals to services like home inspections or mortgages. A REALTOR® is closely supervised by his or her broker to ensure that the company they work for is properly represented in the marketplace. Integrity and accountability is paramount to both REALTORS® and brokers.
Learn more about how Cyndi Beaulieu